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New Hope Missionary Baptist Church
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Worship Times: Sunday 8:00am - 9:00am Sunday 10:45am - 1:00pm Sunday School 9:30am - 10:30am Wednesday Bible Study 12:00pm and 6:30pm

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Lunes:08:00 am - 04:00 pm
Martes:08:00 am - 04:00 pm
Miércoles:08:00 am - 04:00 pm
Jueves:08:00 am - 04:00 pm
Viernes:08:00 am - 04:00 pm
Domingo:08:00 am - 01:00 pm

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New Hope Missionary Baptist Church se puede encontrar en la siguiente dirección:

1591 Hill St

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(270) 351-6808
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Mark 5:1-20 Devotional One day Jesus encountered a man who was possessed by demons. He delivered that man and set him free spiritually. I can see myself in this story as the man possessed. My thoughts, my speech and my actions were demonic in actions long ago. Then one day I was confronted by truth in the form of the gospel and witness of my father and mother in law. Through many ups and downs, failures and faults….Jesus set me free from all those things. Often times we like to blame others for life’s struggles, when really it is our internal demons, which are to blame. It is much easier to look outward for a reason for our pain, than realizing it is an inward condition which hurts us over and over again. Guilt, shame, jealousy, envy and discontentment churns like a storm within. Yet, there is a balm in Gilead, medicine for the sin sick soul. Trusting in Jesus as LORD and SAVOIR, changing our thoughts, actions and direction to align with his will and purpose is the only solution. Then we too can go tell our story of the good things God has done for us and the mercy he has shown to you.


Search for New Hope Missionary Baptist Church in Radcliff, KY. Thank you.


Happy 24th Wedding Anniversary Pastor and Sis Johnson!!! May God continue to bless you both!!


When the Word Prevails Mightily SCRIPTURE: Acts 19:11-41 “Also many of those who were now believers came, confessing and divulging their practices. And a number of those who had practiced magic arts brought their books together and burned them in the sight of all. And they counted the value of them and found it came to fifty thousand pieces of silver. So the word of the Lord continued to increase and prevail mightily.” (Acts 19:18-20) Life-Changer - that’s what Jesus is; He not only saves us from our sins and gives us a new home in Heaven, but He also changes us from the inside out making us totally new! Like those who “practiced magic arts” in Ephesus, we desire a new direction and to rid ourselves of anything that may cause us to be drawn back into an ungodly lifestyle. When the light of Christ begins to shine through our lives, those around us take notice. This in turn gives us the opportunity to share our faith, and through our witness the Word of the Lord increases and prevails. However, if we have not changed direction (repented), we leave the door open for criticism of the Lord and His Church, the Word of the Lord is diminished in the eyes of the lost, and Satan prevails. Remember, the word of the Lord will “increase and prevail mightily” when those around us see real change in our lives. PRAYER THOUGHTS: Ask God to make you aware of how your actions impact your witness.


To God Be The Glory! Thank you to Dr. Roderick Jones and the First Baptist Church family for blessing us with a wonderful worship experience today.


Congratulations our brother!! Major General Kevin Vereen, Provost Marshall General of the US Army Criminal Investigation Command **First African American in the history of the US Army to hold this position. History was made today!


The New Hope Family Life Center Summer Youth Recreational Program Ages 13-18 from 11:00am - 3:00pm. Free lunch will be served daily from 11:55am - 12:15pm. The following are the dates: June 24-28 2019, July 1-3, 2019, July 9-12, 2019, July 15-18, 2019, and July-26, 2019. The activities will include basketball, volleyball, corn hole and board games.


The Power of Prayer!! Acts 12:1-23 VERSE FOR TODAY: “So Peter was kept in prison, but earnest prayer for him was made to God by the church.” “But Peter continued knocking, and when they opened, they saw him and were amazed.” (Acts 12:5, 16) One of my pet peeves is to have earnestly prayed with people and have our prayer answered to their surprise. People will say things like, “Oh, it wasn’t as bad as it seemed after all,” or “The Dr.’s couldn’t find anything wrong. But thanks for praying anyway!” Might we recognize that God played a part in this just as we asked? James wrote, “…The prayer of a righteous person has great power as it is working.” (James 5:16b) Of course, our prayers must be “in Jesus name”. This is not just a magic phrase added before the “Amen”, but means prayer must be by the given power and authority of Jesus because it is His will. When we pray for God’s will to be done, and we trust in His the promise that “all things work together for good” in the lives of those who love God and are called by Him, then we can know He will answer. We might be surprised in the way He answers, but He will answer. As the old song said: “Be not dismayed whate’er betide, God will take care of you.” PRAYER THOUGHTS: Talk to God about prayers you’ve been praying that you would be surprised if He responded to. Quit disbelieving and pray with faith today!


Check Yourself Acts 10:23b-48 VERSE FOR TODAY: “So Peter opened his mouth and said: ‘Truly I understand that God shows no partiality, but in every nation anyone who fears him and does what is right is acceptable to him.’” (Acts 10:34-35) What a powerful proclamation by Peter about the first Gentile household to come to salvation in Jesus Christ! I love knowing that “God shows no partiality”. But I was curious to dig deeper and see what it was that the Gentile Cornelius had done right. He was a devout (deeply religious) man who feared God, gave alms (food, money, and clothes) to the poor, and “prayed continually”. (Acts 10:2) He brought people to hear the Word of God. (Acts 10:27) Upon hearing the Word of God, he readily obeyed it. (Acts 10:48) Just wondering today, do I do what is right and acceptable to God? So much of my life I have done what was right and acceptable to ME. This verse calls for a great deal of introspection. Don’t get me wrong, I understand grace; I’m not trying to work my way to Heaven by doing what is right. I just want to do “what is right and acceptable to him” because He has saved me and put me on the path to Heaven. I love God, He is my Father, and I want to please Him. This is a good day for self-examination. PRAYER THOUGHTS: Ask God to revel to you, though His Word, what is right and acceptable to Him. Then do it.


Hope to see you there.


“Seeing Jesus in the Word” SCRIPTURE: Acts 8:14-40 VERSE FOR TODAY: “Then Philip began with that very passage of Scripture and told him the good news about Jesus.” (Acts 8:35) I’m not sure how it first started, but I have heard of youth bible game of sorts. One of them throws out an obscure passage of scripture. Then the others see how they can relate it to the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus. The idea is to be able to come up with a communion meditation from any passage of scripture. Sometimes, they come up with something that is just silly and ridiculous, and they all get a good laugh. However, sometimes they have some truly inspired thoughts that are good. Then they all congratulate eachother on their massive brainpower. We need to practice the ability to look at scripture and tell people the good news about Jesus. That is exactly what Philip did in the verse for today. He took what the eunuch was already reading and showed him how to find Jesus in it! What was the result? The man made a decision for Jesus. He had the driver pull that chariot over at the first pond they came to. Philip was able to go down into the water and baptize the man! Now that is being used by God! PRAYER THOUGHTS: Spend time praying that God would reveal to you Jesus through the Scripture you read. Then be ready to share it with those around you.


Walking and Leaping SCRIPTURE: Acts 3 VERSE FOR TODAY: “With a leap he stood upright and began to walk; and he entered the temple with them, walking and leaping and praising God.” (Acts 3:8) This story brings back memories of the first time I fully understood and accepted the gift of salvation. I was young and very unsure about the decision I’d made that day. As I lived in the new relationship with God through Christ Jesus, I learned more and more about God and grew in my understanding. One day the reality set in, “I am delivered and accepted by God”. I was so overjoyed and full of enthusiasm. Everyone knew the healed man; they had seen him begging at the gate, and they wanted to know what had happened to him. Peter took the opportunity to preach and invite those around him to follow Christ. It’s wonderful what a little “walking and leaping and praising God” will do! Like the beggar, we need to be enthusiastic about the spiritual healing that Jesus has brought into our lives. And, like Peter, let’s be sure that we never pass up an opportunity to share our faith with others and invite them to follow Jesus. Brothers and sisters, keep “walking and leaping and praising God!” PRAYER THOUGHTS: Use your prayer time today to praise God for setting you free; then you might want to leap out of your chair and go find someone to share Jesus with.


Nosey-Nosey John 21:1-25 VERSE FOR TODAY: “When Peter saw him, he asked, ‘Lord, what about him?’ Jesus answered, ‘If I want him to remain alive until I return, what is that to you? You must follow me.’” (John 21:21-22) There was a teacher who worked in a Special Education classroom, she had a little boy that she would teasingly call Nosey Rosey. He was far more concerned with what everyone else was doing, or not doing, than what he should be doing. He got a kick out of her calling him this, and he would laugh and shout, “Me not Nosey Rosey”. It was a fun exchange that they repeated daily. Peter, in the verse for today, tends to be a Nosey Rosey. He has just had an intimate conversation with Jesus in which he has recommitted himself to not only loving Jesus, but serving Him in a whole new way. Immediately, he notices another disciple in the background and his first question is, “What about him?” How familiar this little bit of Peter’s conversation with Jesus seems to me. Unfortunately, I tend to look around and say, “Hey, Jesus, what about him?” “Does he have to do as much as I have to do?” I often concern myself, as Peter did, with what others may or may not do. Jesus’ answer to Peter applies to us as well. “What is that to you? You must follow me.” PRAYER THOUGHTS: Ask God to remove thoughts of comparison from your mind so that you may focus on your own commitments and service to Him.


WOW presented its initial Tea & Fashion Show on May 11, 2019


1 Peter 4:10-11 No More Excuses!! Have you ever been at a point in your spiritual journey that you felt inadequate? There are times when we think of ourselves as having nothing to contribute in ministry and service. Nowadays, many focus on higher learning and outside achievements as a measure of one’s ability to serve. Preparing yourself for ministry and service is a recommended approach but it is not the biblical accepted approach to ministry. Meaning, God has provided for every believer to be a contributor in ministry. God the Holy Spirit equips everyone for ministry and service in the church. God has given every Christian at least one gift (ability) that he or she can and should share with other believers and in so doing serve them. The gift in view is evidently one of the so-called spiritual gifts (cf. 1 Cor. 12—14; Rom. 12; Eph. 4). "Manifold" means many faceted or variegated. God bestows His grace on different people in different ways. The gifts (Gr. charisma) are aspects of God's grace (Gr. charis). The reason for acknowledging one's words and works as from God is that God then gets the credit. No Christian can claim that he or she has nothing to offer the church.


Aquí puedes encontrar fotos de New Hope Missionary Baptist Church:


Aquí puedes encontrar videos de New Hope Missionary Baptist Church:

NHMBC The Last Supper Dramatization

Brothers of New Hope enacted the famous scene in a rendition named "Is It I?" on Easter Sunday, April 21, 2019.

Veterans Day Service 2018 BG Kevin Vereen, Guest Speaker

34th Church Anniversary 8:00 am Service Quitting is Not an Option Galatians 6:9 Pastor LaMarr Scales, Co-Pastor Evangelic Gospel Tabernacle Church, Columbus, OH

New Hope Installation Service for Pastor L.C. Johnson

Lydia Johnson performing interpretive dance...awesome performance of praise!

Live from Mevo

Live from Mevo

Live from Mevo

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Restaurantes cercano

También revise estos Restaurantes cercanos:

Colton's Steak House & Grill
3050 Dixie Hwy, Radcliff
Woo Hoo It's Greek Food
Radcliff Plaza 885 North Dixie Blvd, Radcliff
Americano, Europeo, Comida rápida, Griego
The Fish House and Grill
200 Dixie Blvd, Radcliff
Americano, Comida rápida, Marisco
El Molino Mexican Restaurant
440 S Dixie Blvd, Radcliff
Latinoamericano, Mexicano
El Camino's Mexican Restaurant of Radcliff
179 E Lincoln Trail Blvd -CORRECT, Radcliff
Latinoamericano, Mexicano
161 E Lincoln Trail Blvd, Radcliff
Asiático, Sushi
Mi Casita Mexican Restaurant
1275 Dixie Hwy, Radcliff
Gasthaus Zum Deutscheu Eck
451 N Wilson Rd, Radcliff
Europeo, Alemán
Ray's Diner
359 S Wilson Road, Radcliff
Christi's Cafe Radcliff
624 Dixie Hwy, Radcliff
Americano, Asiático, Hamburguesa
Song's Korean Cuisine
835 N Wilson Rd, Radcliff
Asiático, Estilo familiar, Coreano
Las Margaritas Mexican Grill
2400 S Dixie Blvd, Radcliff
Latinoamericano, Mexicano
Applebee's Grill + Bar
2059 Walmart Way, Radcliff
634 S. Dixie Blvd., Radcliff
Americano, Desayuno, Brunch, Estilo familiar, Comida rápida, Sureño
Tuscany Italian Restaurant
153 Lincoln Trail Blvd, Radcliff
Europeo, Italiano
Huddle House
3060 S Dixie Blvd, Radcliff
Americano, Asiático, Desayuno, Brunch, Hamburguesa
Waffle House
188 South Dixie Blvd, Radcliff
Americano, Desayuno, Brunch
110 S Dixie Blvd, Radcliff
Asiático, Desayuno, Brunch, Hamburguesa, Comida rápida
240 N Dixie Blvd, Radcliff
Americano, Desayuno, Brunch
Lee's Famous Recipe Chicken
178 Dixie Hwy, Radcliff
Comida rápida
New Seoul Garden Restaurant
1396 N Dixie Blvd, Radcliff
Asiático, Coreano
Sonic Drive-In
1299 N Dixie Blvd, Radcliff
Comida rápida
Autumn Gardens
863 N Wilson Rd, Radcliff
Hoteles cercano

También revise estos Hoteles cercanos:

Candlewood Suites Radcliff - Fort Knox
40 Bourbon Street, Radcliff
Holiday Inn Express Radcliff - Fort Knox
30 Bourbon Street, Radcliff
Hampton Inn & Suites Radcliff/Fort Knox
50 Bourbon Street, Radcliff
Hotel, Hostería
Super 8 Radcliff Ft. Knox Area
395 Redmar Blvd, Radcliff
Holiday Inn Express Hotel Radcliff - Fort Knox
200 Endevour Way, Radcliff
Hotel y hospedaje
Hampton Inn by Hilton
150 Johnson Rd, Radcliff
Econo Lodge Fort Knox
261 N. Dixie Hwy., Radcliff
Wingfield Inn & Suites
1043 Executive Dr, Elizabethtown
Hampton Inn Elizabethtown
1035 Executive Dr, Elizabethtown
Holiday Inn Express Hotel & Suites Elizabethtown
107 Buffalo Creek Drive, Elizabethtown
La Quinta Inn & Suites Elizabethtown
210 Commerce Dr, Elizabethtown
Hotel, Hostería
Days Inn of Elizabethtown
2010 N Mulberry St, Elizabethtown
Red Lion -Elizabethtown
107 Buffalo Creek Drive, Elizabethtown
IHG Army Hotels Wickam Inn
7961 Wilson Rd. Building 7961, Bldg 7961, Fort Knox
Holiday Inn Express & Suites Elizabethtown North
130 The Loop, Elizabethtown
Comfort Suites
215 Commerce Drive, Elizabethtown
Super 8 Elizabethtown
2028 N Mulberry St, Elizabethtown
Motel 6
1042 N Mulberry St # 94, Elizabethtown
Baymont Inn & Suites Elizabethtown
209 Commerce Dr, Elizabethtown
Taylor Hotel Apartments
114 W Dixie Ave, Elizabethtown
Hotel y hospedaje
Fairfield Inn & Suites by Marriott Elizabethtown
1031 Executive Dr, Elizabethtown
Kentucky Cardinal Inn
642 E Dixie Ave, Elizabethtown
Hotel y hospedaje
Quality Inn & Suites
2009 N. Mulberry St., Elizabethtown
Ramada Elizabethtown
205 Commerce Drive, Elizabethtown
Economy Inn
539 Glendale Hodgenville Rd W, Glendale
Hotel y hospedaje
Agentes de bienes raices cercano
Peluqueros cercano

También revise estos Peluqueros cercanos:

133 E Vine St, Radcliff
Ms. Vals Salon
955 N Wilson Rd, Radcliff
Tienda de artículos de belleza, Peluquería
Drastik Change Hair Studio & Glam Boutique
185 Kieta Way, Radcliff
Tienda de artículos de belleza, Servicio de extensiones capilares, Peluquería
J's Ebony Beauty Salon
193 E Lincoln Trail Blvd, Radcliff
Baileys Beauty14
673 C Knox Blvd, Radcliff
Peluquería, Maquillador
Great Clips
2031 Walmart Way, Radcliff
Pee Tree's Glam Squad
803 North Wilson Road, Radcliff
Anointed Hair Salon
803 N Wilson Rd, Radcliff
Song Hair Salon
1401 N Wilson Rd, Radcliff
Salón de belleza
Jacqueline's Total Hair
605 S Wilson Rd, Radcliff
Leondra's Beauty Salon
663 N Dixie Blvd, Radcliff
Tienda de cosméticos, Peluquería
Hairtwoplease Radcliff2
673 Knox Blvd, Ste D, Radcliff
Servicio de extensiones capilares, Peluquería
Crown of Glory
847 N Dixie Blvd, Radcliff
Cuts Unlimited
1187 N Wilson Rd, Radcliff
Michael's Hair Fashions
295 W Lincoln Trail Blvd Ste C, Radcliff
Hair 2 Please Beauty Supply
673 Knox Blvd Ste D, Radcliff
Tienda de cosméticos, Peluquería, Tienda de pelucas
105 Lott Way Ste. C, Radcliff
Mrs. Cs Beauty Salon
649 Knox Blvd, # C, Radcliff
Kut Zone
673 Knox Blvd, Radcliff
52 Platinum Cutz
363 W Lincoln Trail Blvd, Radcliff
Barbería, Peluquería
SmartStyle Hair Salons
1165 Walmart Way, Radcliff
Fantastic Sams
159 E. Lincoln Trail Boulevard, Radcliff